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General Information

Nuclear Radioactivity Experiments

參考: 核輻射的單位和安全標準 (作者:黃文翰,黃元華及王聰和, 香港理工大學應用物理學系)Cclogo.jpgupdated Jul15, 2012

Co-WIN seminar

Videos of cloud chamber experiments

Ionization track using gas mantle as the radioactive source

<videoflash>Z0a5GR1olZc</videoflash>updated Jun14, 2012

Ionization track using thoriated tungsten welding electrode as the radioactive source

<videoflash>gMsuDWVzcAc</videoflash>updated Jun14, 2012

Artificial precipitation

<videoflash>51Mk1AgXMd0</videoflash>updated Jun14, 2012