Co-WIN News

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由創新科技署主辦之「創新科技嘉年華2011」將於今年11月5日至13日假新界白石角香港科學園舉行。屆時Co-WIN會設有攤位,讓市民 大眾了解社區天氣資訊。

今屆「創新科技嘉年華」內容將會圍繞健康科學、綠色及優質生活,以及資訊及通訊科技三大主要範疇。嘉年華會提供大型展覽、電動車展覽及試駕、 互動遊戲、近130場工作坊、超過30場講座及300場導賞團、科學比賽及頒獎禮等精彩活動,讓市民有機會親身體驗創新科技對生活所帶來的方 便與樂趣。


日期 : 2011年11月5日至13日
時間 : 上午10時至下午7時
地點 : 香港科學園

Community Weather Information Network wins Royal Meteorological Society award

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has been given the prestigious 2010 Vaisala Award for Weather Observing and Instrumentation by the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) for the Community Weather Information Network (Co-WIN). In its citation for the award, the RMetS highlighted Co-WIN's success in enabling people of all ages, in particular schoolchildren, to appreciate the elements through hands-on activities in running weather stations. Apart from weather-data sharing, Co-WIN also provides a platform for the exchange of observational experiences and for the organisation of related educational activities. The RMetS also recognised Co-WIN's achievement in demonstrating how groups can work together to deliver high-quality community education on weather and climate for the benefit of all.

The press release can be found at the following link :

Observatory's Blog:

Homepage of the Royal Meteorological Society :

Hong Kong Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Awards 2011

Cert of Merit transparent 200x138.png

Community Weather Information Network won the Certificate of Merit of the Best Collaboration (Service) category in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) awards of Hong Kong to recognise the excellent achievements and contribution in provision of weather information services through outstanding collaboration. The award was supported by Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. It fully relies on your active participation and support.


在全球一體化、資訊科技的進步及知識型經濟的發展為世界帶來了前所未有的改變。為了使年青一代能夠應付這些挑戰,政府自二零零九年九月起推行新學制,以促進學生的全人發展及鼓勵他們終身學習,使能力、興趣及性向不同的學生能夠發揮潛能、盡展所長。 有鑑於此,教育局於二零一一年七月十四至十六日舉辦為期三天的國際教育論壇與博覽,以期在人力資源發展上取得共識,並為二十一世紀的教育改革凝聚動力。 有關詳情及細節,請瀏覽以下網址:

General Education Lectures on Aviation Weather

To promote knowledge on aviation meteorology, the Hong Kong Observatory will organise "General Education Lectures on Aviation Weather" in the Lecture Hall of Hong Kong Science Museum on 13 July 2011 (Wednesday). The lectures will cover weather observation and measurement, weather hazards to aviation, how to interpret aviation weather reports and forecasts, as well as the aviation weather services provided by the Hong Kong Observatory. The guest speakers will share their flying experience in Hong Kong and cross-country as well as use of weather information in flight planning. For more details, please visit

My Little Observatory


My Little Observatory website provides many weather related knowledge and information as well as some interactive games. Children and other interested parties are welcome to visit the site at

Liberal studies News

Liberal studies News 8 June 2011